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    C++: using namespace std; should be removed from initial code. It has no reason to be, and tests rely on it. Please remove it and make the necessary changes in starter and tests.

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    `Expected :67 days, 2 hours, 11 minutes and 1 seconds

    Actual :67 days, 2 hours, 11 minutes and 1 second`

    Exepected should be 1 second not I seconds when testing for clojure

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    This should be added to javascript sample and attempt tests so actual and expected are fully shown:

    const chai = require("chai");
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    Naming violation in the method name. It should be Pascal-cased.

  • Default User Avatar

    I did with kotlin. I always code my solutions on kotlin play ground. My solution uses Duration class.

    Here in code wars it complains because its experimental.

    I'm addressing this to the moderator of kotlin to fix this.

    The error is:

    error: this declaration is experimental and its usage must be marked with '@kotlin.time.ExperimentalTime' or '@OptIn(kotlin.time.ExperimentalTime::class)

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    C language: my code is running smoothly on the terminal, giving right results, but on kata, right on the second sample test I get the following error:

    Test Crashed Caught unexpected signal: SIGSEGV (11). Invalid memory access.

    Another interesting behaviour is that I passed 108 tests when I attempt, being 100/100 from "random tests" and 7/7 from "futher", and 1 sample.

    I'm probably messing up with dynamic memory allocation. But since it works on terminal, I don't know what is it.

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    I am using C and experiencing segfault even though I don't encounter any when I run it on my local machine. I tried adding printf() in various lines to try to find where the invalid access is happening but printf doesn't show. Any one know how to debug it?

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    Although I pass all the randomTest, it returns a java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: begin 0, end 5, length 0

    Can anybody explain me why?

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    Add tests with convoluted external border, like this:

    |          |
    |          |
    |   +---+  |
    |   |   |  |
    |   |   +--+
    |   +-+
    |     | +--+
    |   +-+ |  |
    |   |   |  |
    |   +---+  |
    |          |
  • Default User Avatar

    Hey, I'd just like to know if such a shape is a valid input:

              ['|          |'],
              ['|   +------+'],
              ['|          |'],
  • Custom User Avatar

    Reference solution in python fails with test :

    |            |
    |    +--+    |                  
    |    |  |    |                  
    |    |  |    |                 
    |    +--+    |
    |            |              
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    I implemented an inside edge tracing algorithm, and I made a few corner test cases that my early implementations had issues with that did not have matching problems in the passing criteria for this kata. A couple examples:

    1. "Dead Ends":
      A shape that includes a space that an edge tracer needs to completely turn around in:
      | |
      | +-+

    Or if you want a "dead end" in all directions:
    | |

    1. Shapes where corners are right next to each other:
      | |
      | ++
      | ++

    It would be cool to see a few of these corner cases put into the acceptance criteria to make sure everyone's alrogithms are handling them all.

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