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    That sounds crazy. It took me less than 10 minutes to find a solution, even if it probably wasn't what you had in mind.
    Thanks for the Kata anyway, it was refreshing!

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    Also add Hash into the list of frozen classes. Set class is using Hash class under the hood.

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    \x0B does not match with the name length either.

    I've changed the example to \x0C\x00Maximilianus, which should be valid, correct and a useful example.

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    Agree: not sure if they are somehow converted automatically or if it was intentional, but I go other strange characters too to distract me.

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    Mine's pretty straightforward as well. Reduce takes operators as symbols, which is incredibly useful in this case.

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    I agree with the duchess. Showing the character as \\b is misleading because the character isn't supposed to be interpreted as an ASCII backspace, but as an integer.

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    The most interesting solution. Mine is also not using eval, but quite simple and easy to read. @JoshBrodieNZ your solution is universal, man, you could use it for half of katas with minor changes ;)

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    The garbled text unpacks to read:

    module Kernel
      import org.jruby.RubyKernel
      def require(n)
    require 'matrix'

    Which I then eval to run and require the built-in Matrix functionality.

    I obfuscated this because on the previous jRuby based system, this could be modified to escape the sandbox environment by leveraging the jRuby hooks to reimplement blacklisted functionality like 'require' and 'system'.

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    Sorry but I got to ask, What are you doing there?

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    I also hate eval and haven't ever used curry, but I will now!

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    I try not to do this too often but sometimes I just can't help it!

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    Ah! Need to be sneakier! :)

    ps. I just submitted a less obvious albeit somewhat longer solution.

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    This was pretty interesting, thanks for the challenge!

    That being said, I couldn't personally rank it at 1 kyu. It was quite difficult, but I come from Javascript and have only dealt with Ruby in a few very simple katas. If I hadn't to Google every bit of syntax, I wonder how much easier it'd be.. :P

    I find it odd, given Ruby's reputation of insane magic tricks, that a JS background could help so much.

    Am I'm just misguided, and they are actually very similar languages?

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