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    Hi, I'm new here. Thanks for the Kata :)

    I think, there are some issues with the Random Tests. Or is my execution just wrong?!

    This example sould be valid, no?! flour: 4/4 cup = 1 cup (200g) = 200g = 'enough ingredients'.

    Why does it expect "need flour", though?!


      ERROR: Expected: 'Not enough ingredients: need flour', instead got: 'You can bake'
      available:    { oil: '700 ml', flour: '200 g', sugar: '400 g', milk: '200 ml' }
      recipe:       { oil: '3 cup', flour: '4/4 cup', sugar: '1 tbsp', milk: '24 tsp' }
      converted:    { oil: '660 ml', flour: '200 g', sugar: '14 g', milk: '120 ml' }
      isAvailable:  { oil: true, flour: true, sugar: true, milk: true }
      result:       'You can bake'