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    Forgive me if the description was different when you read it, but it says: "He wants to keep his old car until he can buy the secondhand one". (So basically implying he's selling his old car to buy the new one).

    Tricky wording (overall) I know. I bashed my head on this one for a lot longer than I thought I would !

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    Ah ok, just did that. Thanks!

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    Heya, the testing suite seems to be around the wrong way. Language is C#.

    Expected: <string.Empty>
    But was: "Player 1 has missed the ball!"

    (Expected always shows up as whatever I return as, instead of the other way around).

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    It can happen (and, frankly, happens more often than it should) that actual and expected values are swapped in assertion messages.

    If you are able to confirm that it's indeed a case here, please raise appropriate issue as a new post. I cannot verify the kata at the moment :(

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    Seems to be an error with the random tests in C# (or I could be wrong on something). I pass the test suite no problem. Random tests are outputting the correct results for me when I debug to Console. But when I run the test, it always says:

    Expected: "Player 1 has missed the ball!"
    But was: "Player 2 has won the game!"

    The weird thing is, even if I change the "player x has won the game" code to say something completely different, so there's no reference ot that result, it will still output that as the result. (I'm clearing the string / result line each time and it works perfectly in the test suite). The other issue is if I return nothing / "" in the code, it will then say Expected: "", or whatever I change the result / return statement to.

    Is something buggy with this or am I missing something?

    EDIT: testing the suite with a complete blank statement (the default code), it says:

    Expected: <string.Empty>
    But was: "Player 1 has missed the ball!"

    As if it's around the wrong way somehow?

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    Awesome Kata. Thanks again for all your hard work.

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    I'm having a problem with test 4e. (C#)

    The previous play(4c), my board looks like this: Player 2, playing at column (2) (the O).

    The next play is Player 1 (X), playing at col 3, which makes a 4 across (Win) for Player 1. However the expected result is "Player 1 has a turn".

    I thought it might be because I am clearing the board when someone wins, but I also tried not clearing it - and the same issue occurs in a different way.

    Am I missing something? I've tried going through one by one, and all my moves seem to match exactly as per the test cases, right up until 4e.


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    Once again thanks for the challenge...I love your Katas because they are almost like coding a mini game. Found this one quite tricky but glad I managed to solve it!

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    Where did you get that array from? There's only one staircase per row.

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    Really enjoyed this one, thanks!

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    Damn! Thanks for the challenge. I found this pretty hard, took me quite a long time to do it, mostly due to the fact that it was hard to get the spaces working the way I needed. I'm still a beginner but I'm stoked that I managed to figure it out eventually. Good one!

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    This was a really cool one (challenging for me in a good way as a beginner)...thanks!