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    Fixed by not using string interpolation, seems the F# version here doesn't support it

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    ok after looking at the other solutions I completely overthought this problem, spent a night on the red and found it particularly difficult for no reason - of course I should have just calculated the fib sequence in reverse. Sometimes a simple solution is missed

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    Nice simple explanation with unit testing. Good Kata, well done.

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    Well I spent more time trying to understand the question than coding, hacking it together piece by piece as my understanding of the question evolved. I notice a lot of problems on this site are like that. Briefer, simpler to understand questions but with complicated solutions would be a far nicer thing to encounter.

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    What a terribly worded Kata. "An array of numbers" is incorrect, it's an array of strings. For something like computer programming where precision is everything this is absurd.

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    Why are slow solutions often the #1 voted just because they contain the fewest lines of code? In terms of efficiency for the end user I'd be interested in seeing a category that solves a problem with the minimal execution time. An example of this is in C# where nearly every solution uses LINQ, which is slower than non-LINQ based solutions despite it being shorter.

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    Is C# working? My solution seems sounds and works on my local unit tests, but fails on the empty, 1 element, and random tests here, whilst passing SnailTest1 & SnailTest2

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    Why is there no sort by "execution time" in the solutions? Isn't the time/efficiency of a solution important?

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    I like this. the j = i + 1 is what I like. Reduces the iterations whilst not requiring an identical index check.