
The base, or radix, is the number of unique digits, including the digit zero, used to represent numbers.


Normally, this is the digits 0-9 and this is conventionally followed by letters (a -> 10, up to z -> 36). This is the system employed for this kumite; however other symbols may be used.

Numpy offers a base_repr function, but this is not part of basic python. As numpy is an external module, it may not always be available. The aim is to produce a function in native python that gives equivalent functioinality. A further challenge is to avoid use of the math module (or the bin, hex, oct functions for that matter).

The function to_base is intended to provide the same functionality. The string uses uppercase, because numpy.base_repr does the same.

The function to_base may be tested by:

  • Comparing its output to that of numpy.base_repr
  • Converting the output of to_base back to the original number using Python's native int() function.
def to_base (n, base):
    A simple function to replicate the functionality of numpy's base_repr
    using native python. Returns upper case.
    assert base >= 2, "Minimum base 2"
    assert base <= 36, "Maximum base 36"
    assert type(base) == int, "Base must be an integer"

    digits = []
    while n:
        n //= base


    return ''.join(digits)

Some info about Armstrong numbers

Armstrong (or pluperfect, or Plus Perfect, or narcissistic) numbers:
m-digit positive numbers equal to sum of the m-th powers of their digits.


For purposes of this kumite (at least this iteration), base 10 will be used.
Other bases may be available. Oh wait, they are.


Narcissistic number
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Armstrong number)

In number theory, a narcissistic number (also known as a pluperfect
digital invariant (PPDI), an Armstrong number (after Michael F. Armstrong)
or a plus perfect number)[6] in a given number base b is a number that is
the sum of its own digits each raised to the power of the number of digits.

#This works for base-10 only. Other bases might require using text-type objects.
def is_Armstrong(n):

    m = n # Make a copy of n for use obtaining digits.
    #Bearing in mind that n must be kept available.

    digits = [] #Store digits here

    #Get digits
    while (m):
        m //= 10

    #Get count of digits
    x = len(digits)

    #Compare original value to sum of digit ^ count
    return n == sum(d ** x for d in digits)