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    map() is Array method, you are trying to use it with number.

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    It's just recursion, first return calls the same function while changing the argument, but in this case it looks redundant, you can achieve same results with simple loop. Second return just returns value when you reached your condition and don't need to make more calls.

  • Default User Avatar
    1. Issue tag is for the issues with a kata, such as broken test cases, incorrect descriptions etc. Next time please post a Question.
    2. Without you posting your code with a spoiler flag, it is a guesswork to try to help you. Looking how there is no performance tag and my first naive solution passed in 2500 ms, my guess is you got infinite loop somewhere in your code.
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    256 in binary form is 100000000. When you place "ab" in the end as in example, all is mitigated by 0's. 32 is 100000, so you actually will get 6th letter from the end of "ctmdpt", which is "c".

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    The function accepts an integer and returns an integer.


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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Your code always returns value after first iteration. You can easily see that if you add one print().

  • Default User Avatar

    It's a linker error. It looks like default function name is digitize and that name is used in preloaded code for tests, linker can't find it. Most likely you changed the name of the function.

  • Default User Avatar

    We will consider a, e, i, o, u as vowels for this Kata (but not y).

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    Look here for code formatting.

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    For all we know user can enter 1000000. But kata got clear constraints 1 <= month <= 12.

  • Default User Avatar

    It fails because attempt gives you extra tests. You do get negative argument in your .Remove() in some test cases, error doesn't lie. To say more is to solve it completely for you.

  • Default User Avatar

    Not issue with a kata. Error tells you exactly what happened. You used .Remove() method with argument that is less than zero. Just print your argument with input and see what happened.

  • Custom User Avatar

    I checked JavaScript, and yes, it looked good. I thought adding this section could provide further assistance in problem-solving if you're interested.

  • Custom User Avatar

    The random test output is already quite nice for all translations, isn't it?

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