  • Default User Avatar

    Thanks :) I will read again the instructions :)

  • Custom User Avatar

    You're provided with everything you need. Also off-topic.

  • Default User Avatar

    Has anyone solved this Kata ?:) Process Waterfowl Survey Data Results. It says there that for the input list your have to consider the following:

    "If someone has "Labrador Duck" in their list, the whole list should be thrown out as this species has been determined to be extinct. The person who submitted the list is obviously unreliable. Their lists will not be included in the final data. In such cases, return an array with a single string element in it: "Disqualified data".

    Where is the list of "extinct species" to filter the input list ? You have to create it using google to get the info ?


  • Default User Avatar

    I agree, it would be nice at least to include this case in the examples