  • Custom User Avatar

    In case of timing parity, return the values according to the order in the queue.

    Needs clarification: order in the queue is not defined.

    I really can't make sense of how to resolve timing ties.

  • Custom User Avatar

    Hi, you have changed function name without"backward compatibility" which means all previous solutions will be invalidated. Please approve this fork with backward compatibility and improved testframework.

  • Default User Avatar

    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

  • Default User Avatar

    How does the jump work if the jumppower is an odd number? does it go up by (n/2)+1 and go down by (n/2) or vice versa?

  • Custom User Avatar

    The structure (5 fixed tests and 22 random tests) and the size of the field (10 <= n, m <= 110) in the final tests could be specified.

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    could use tag: algorithms