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    Expected: "AA 45522:Paris St. Abbeville,Paris St. Abbeville/67,670:/", instead got: "AA 45522:Paris St. Abbeville,Paris St. Abbeville/67,670" Again, see the :/ in the expected value. That's what your test is expecting, and it's wrong, I believe. Cheers for those 9 hackers (as in great programmers).

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    If your code were correct you should get:

    Test Passed: Value == "RE 13001:Gordon Road Atlanta/5"

    in green color.

    So that extra ':/' should be part of the solution then?

    No, no extra ':/' at the end.
    You could notice that now 9 more guys passed the Ruby translation.

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    Expected: "RE 13001:Gordon Road Atlanta/5:/", instead got: "RE 13001:Gordon Road Atlanta/5"
    See the Expected... So that extra ':/' should be part of the solution then?

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    143 guys passed the Ruby translation (see the top of the page) so I am quite sure there are no problems in the tests.

    The 'instead got' statement is the output of my code.

    So it's your code which appends something at the end of your "got".

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    Are you sure? I changed my code to fail in the first attempt and got this:

    Expected: "AA 45522:Paris St. Abbeville,Paris St. Abbeville/67,670", instead got: "AA 45522:Paris St. Abbeville,Paris St. Abbeville/67,670:"

    The 'instead got' statement is the output of my code. The Expected, then, is the expected output of the test, so the test is appending that extra ':/' to random tests, it seems. This is ruby

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    The good result is RE 13222:Gordon St. Atlanta/2 and you returned ""RE 13222:Gordon St. Atlanta/2:/". You have a problem in your code. Cheers.

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    Expected: "RE 13222:Gordon St. Atlanta/2:/", instead got: "RE 13222:Gordon St. Atlanta/2"

    I'm constantly getting the the extra :/ for random test. Is it a problem with my solution?

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    substring method on StringBuffer's API returns a String object.