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    This issue is fixed

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    Can someone explain how

    "11111" expects [0] = "Pinkie", [1] = "Ring", [2] = "Middle", [3] = "Index", [4] = "Thumb"


    "11101" expects "Index" to be returned ??

    This is in C# random tests.

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    How does one come up with this?

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    Same with all katas by g964, they are math puzzles. Not coding puzzles.

    Be nice if we could just block all katas by certain users.

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    If I'm understand the random test output correctly for golang, I'm seeing random tests like this:

    [[0 0 0 0 0]
     [0 0 0 0 x]
     [0 0 0 0 0]
     [0 0 0 0 ^]
     [0 0 0 0 0]]

    which expects the answer to be false.


    [[0 0 v]
     [0 0 0]
     [0 0 x]]

    Where 118 is v and 120 is x

    The test is expecting this as false...

    Random tests are even failing on some 3x3s, but I've added every combo of <>^v and x possible in a 3x3 grid, with correct expected results in a 3x3 grid to the sample tests and they all pass.

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    Yeah, I have not got a clue from the description what I've actually to do.

    It badly needs a decent worked example.

    I thought I understood it until this line:

    The transformed first chromosome must appear at the first position of the tuple. the second one at the second position. Therefore :

    Crossover([]int { 1 }, []int {1,2,3}, []int {10,11,12}) should be ([]int { 1,11,12 }, int[] { 10,2,3 })

    What is this saying ?

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    This working fine! An improvement could be to put the mathematical operation out of the loop so that it is not called in each iteration, and avoiding redundant calculation.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    This way is intuitive if you have the stomach to alter the concatenation template.

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    thank you :)

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    The Clojure version is almost certainly broken.

    I just can 't see how the expected output in the random tests make sense.

    Given inputs

    ("zPEJS" "BFPxI" "," "," "," "," "vFhKk" "," "," "," "," "," "RHFQh" ".")

    It expects the result to be:

    "zPEJS BFPxI, ,, , vFhKk, ,, ,, RHFQh."

    This section makes no sense
    BFPxI, ,, , vFhKk

    Another example:


    ("NkVcr" "," "," "DlWOv" "beeOm" "," "WYCCh" "," "," "kfaEC" "IeGwS" "xellI" "." ".")


    "NkVcr, , DlWOv beeOm, WYCCh, , kfaEC IeGwS xellI."

    Why the spaces between the commas?

    Another example:

    ("fdNXT" "," "iiUuU" "," "," "," "," "," "," "xDLAz" "," "," "eywFI" "." ".")

    Expects this bizarness:
    "fdNXT, iiUuU, ,, ,, , xDLAz, , eywFI."

    What is going there? A Space after the comma, then 2 commas without a space, then a space, then 2 more without a space, then a space?

    It looks like any number of commas, has to be broken up into blocks of 2, and be surrounded by spaces. This is wrong.

    This is clearly broken.

    If it wants every pair of commas to treat the 2nd comma like a word, this makes no sense. A comma isn't a word.

    But this one breaks the above:

    Here the input is:

    ("Gjnjv" "lXgCV" "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "RtzYV" "ewWZE" "." ".")

    ANd it expects:

    "Gjnjv lXgCV,, ,, ,, , RtzYV ewWZE."
                ^^ why no space here between the 2 commas?

    IT seems different to the example above. Is it something to do with odd / even combinations of commas?

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    I don't know if I love you or hate you.

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    You could use string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)

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