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    You're right, maybe I should have done that. Here's some examples:

    Rastarwe Astaregil passes the test, as it contains 'astar' in the surname. Same with Ethiron Eastarwe.

    Dontegiliel Garthenwe and Oltegilion Iastwe also both pass the test, as their first names contain 'tegil'

    Rossion Aelhan, Ollrion Mornriel and Dierar Agareth do not pass the test; their first names don't contain 'tegil' and their surnames don't contain 'astar'.

    Agarriel Tegilwen doesn't pass either; his surname contains 'tegil', but we only want that in the first name.

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    Hi there! When I designed these kata (admittedly many years ago) there was a particular factor I wanted to focus on - that not all of your tasks in the workplace are going to come in a neat, tidy and technical format, in explicit technical language and with all the smart keywords already written, and part of your job as a dev will be to tease out and discern the right information from the request, a request that may well have come from a non-technical person. It was a style choice, to teach newcomers to first gather the information they need before tackling the problem.

    For example, I do not expect anyone to know about particular senshi at their cat guardians, but the user IS supposed to discern from that statement that there will be a null case.

    For this kata, it isn't a massive leap for users to note that 'sailorsenshi' and 'sailor_senshi' correspond to one another, even if you don't know in detail what they are - I left in the Japanese terms to actually reiterate this point, that the words may be unfamiliar but you should use common sense. In fact, no knowledge of the show is needed at all, just as you do not have to have in-depth knowledge of car engine parts to write an SQL request for car part data, nor be an expert in medical conditions to write SQL queries for certain drugs with particular properties.

    Sailor Moon was serialized from 1991 to 1997 and published in 18 volumes. The show was broadcast from 1992 to 1997, with 6 additional movies, a live TV adaptation, a successful theatre show and a second anime series in 2014. The manga is one of the best-selling series of all time and the franchise has generated $13billion worldwide, popular in over 50 countries. You should probably check it out :)

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    Which ones? That's bad if so :)

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    Not really cryptic. Binary, perhaps.

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    Thanks! Yeah I like the fun stories too. It made it more fun to write, anyway.

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    Thanks! I'll take a look and try get this fixed, been a bit of a while since I used the interface.

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    The comments are not where you leave your solutions. Please remove this.

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    Just mathematics. You know that an increase or reduction in strength value is going to occur - a number will change - and 'multiplier' takes care of it. You know you have to use the multiplier. You can see that the 'strength' value will be 'modified' in the description.

    Not every ticket you ever get (I design problems for beginners and juniors hoping for a career in development) will be of the most crystal clear clarity, and I wanted to make problems that involved a story whereby the need is stated although perhaps not in the most technical language.

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    It's pretty clear in the description whether qualities are on an AND or an OR basis. Evil AND cunning. Studious OR intelligent.

    Don't worry about if failed Slytherins or Gryffindors end up in other houses. That's not how it really works. The hat just tells you where you go, not whether you just narrowly missed it. Some would say that's why there is Hufflepuff :)

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    Not all problems you will be given will have the most logical instructions. One must occasionally discern the meaning from plain English and from stories/scenarios.

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    True, but it's well over a year old now and I was new to SQL back in those days.

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    Random tests are favourable otherwise people just hardcode solutions to the test. Your solution should work for all possible scenarios.

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    ¡Lo siento! Quería ser un poco impreciso, por diversión. La línea "La tabla de multiplicadores dentro de su Pokedex se encargará de eso" fue una pista. Debería haber pensado en lo bien que se traduciría.

    Espero que lo hayas solucionado :)

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    I can take a look at it but honestly, I wrote this about a year ago, I was a beginner to SQl and I'm now out of practise. If the data's coming back with 2 won and 2 lost, then it must have collated them, but I don't, at this time, remember.

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    The sentence lacks nothing. If you would like to correct a native speaker with a degree in literature, then by all means show me where the missing verb is.

    I suppose I could omit the second comma, if we're being nitpicky. "Each row of the table records, alongside their name, whether they won or lost as well as the move." The informatino about the name could be removed with no effect on flow.

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