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    Thank you for this explanation, jeez, katas with ambigous explanations are terrible.

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    In first case - minimum list size always should be 3 numbers. You pass 2 numbers.
    In second case - You last value in array is wrong. Step should be 3. You will get right answer change 19 to 17.

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    It doesn't seem to work in mine:
    print(Practice9().find_missing(l: [2,14]))// 6 gives 8 instead of 6
    print(Practice9().find_missing(l: [2,8,11, 14, 19])) // 5 gives 9 instead of 5

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    This is fundamental mathematics.

    Neat solution!

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    could you please explain how exactly this works? What math rules did you use here?

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  • Default User Avatar

    Thanks for this explanation.

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    It has random tests now, but it didn't make it any better...

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    Yet another bit of incomprehensible gibberish written by g964.

    Is there a codewars for the english language?

    "Eschew obfuscation, espouse elucidation" is ironic, not a template for how to talk to people.

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    Probably a little bit too late for me. I figured it out by deduction by looking at the unit tests, and reading other previous comments. Link makes a whole lot more sense. If the description would have said something like shift, I personally never heard rotate but now I know. Thanks.

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    Would you like a link to wikipedia in the instructions? I'm not the kata author tho, you'll have to ask him/her.

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    It might be ok but is a terrible way to explain it. Who comes up with these crypto explanations?

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    461 is not divisible exactly by 2, so(explanation is really messed up, I don't know what left means in the original description, maybe meant the other left):
    Send first digit to the back:
    73304 => 33047

    When you rotate left, the first digit passes to the end. That part is ok.

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    There are tons of katas with really confusing explanations. I believe someone explained to me that if someone changes the description, all people that submitted, will be re-ran against the server posible overloading the server. I think this needs fixing, just don't automatically check all previous submissions. Alert user if they'd like to resubmit due to kata changes or something along those lines. This is a very easy problem to fix, that no one has had the strength to fix.

    @seger Why in hell is your explanation hidden as a spoiler? That should be in the description!
    Making a description cryptic shouldn't be the endgoal here.

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    For anyone having issues understanding the below paragraph:

    If a chunk represents an integer such as the sum of the cubes of its digits is divisible by 2,
    reverse that chunk; otherwise rotate it to the left by one position. Put together these modified
    chunks and return the result as a string.

    Each digit on a chunk needs to be cubed, then sum all those digits:

    Chunk example: 73304

    Number Cubed
    7 343
    3 27
    3 27
    0 0
    4 64
    Total 461

    461 is not divisible exactly by 2, so(explanation is really messed up, I don't know what left means in the original description, maybe meant the other left):
    Send first digit to the back:
    73304 => 33047

    If it is divisible exactly by 2, reverse chunk:
    73304 => 40337

    Hopefully this makes more sense to you guys.

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