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    Cool. Thanks for the link!

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    Hmm okay, so the colored progress wheel on my dashboard isn't showing me how much honor I need to gain to reach the next kyu, but just approximately how many more katas (since different level katas progress you by different amounts). I accidentally correlated that progress with my honor going up on the top right corner.

    And I guess the reason why so many people are capped out at 3 and 4 kyu at the moment is because there are very few 1 or 2 kyu level katas and a couple 1 dan katas on here as far as I can tell. I guess this has the side effect of incentivizing me to create katas now, which also increase my ranking ( right? ).

    In the future would it be possible to sort/filter katas by kyu level? I get that the 'Train Now' button thing on the dashboard points me to the next uncompleted kata I can complete to advance, but if I want more variety, I have to poke around through the list of unordered katas to find one.

    Thanks for the prompt reply by the way!

    Edit: So the leaderboards are sorted by Honor then? And for the most part they seem to represent people who comment a lot/have useful comments on things.

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    I don't think I understand the correlation between honor and level.

    Why are most people on the leaderboard only ranked as 3 or4 kyu, but have 2k+ honor? I just made it to 4 kyu with 227 honor. It can't be possible that the honor needed to get to 2 or 3 kyu is a couple thousand more than 5 to 4 kyu right?