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    Thank you! There are many people with access to editing the text, and sometimes people just change it without me even knowing...
    Fixed it.

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    I'm afraid this time my fault is different.

    The drive time to montpellier was 9.5 and 10.5 in the starter code but not in my solution. I forgot to update it earlier (which was another issue) but as I went over the kata again to fix the issue you've raised before I've found it and updated it as well to 9 and 11.

    That half an hour accounts for both errors.

    I am terribly sorry for this and again thank you for your feedback.
    I can only hope that someone who has created so many katas himself can forgive my noob problems. I'm trying to create some standard process for myslef to create a kata that'll be worth people's while with as few hiccups as possible, but I'm still learning a lot so obviously I'm missing some things here...

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    The problem was with my code. I have built a way-too-complicated solution that did not account for the minutes, instead used Date.getHours() to set new times. Not a good idea. I've changed my solution altogether, and now it should consider every single minute (but not seconds).
    I've also changed the difficulty to be a 6 kyu. I'm not entirely sure about it, so if I'm wrong feel free to change it.

    Thanks again for your feedback! :)

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    I have to create a special 'sad LOL' icon for this one... o.O

    As for the first case I don't know what happened, but when I copy pasted your times and used it on my solution I got 'between Montpellier and Nice' as well.
    Any idea what could have happened there? You know the system better than I do...

    As for the second case - You are totally correct. It should be exactly as you've described. I'll have to figure out my error... In the meanwhile I'll unpublish the kata.

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    Right, thanks! :)


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    Wow. OK.

    I've learned a lot from your feedback and will implement it in the next kata.

    This one will be unpublished immediately.


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    That is an awesome solution! :)
    Is it ok if I use it for the original kata (with credit of course) to check if it solves the randomized testing performance issue?

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    Hi everyone. :)

    I wrote this simple loop practice kata, but I'm having some problems with the randomized tests.
    It seems like any array I pass as a parameter that is longer than 1 (stopsArray=[1]) breaks the tests as a performance issue.

    I've checked a few possibilities and got down to hardcoding a 100 item array (instead of loop-pushing it) in an attempt to improve performance, but the second I change the array for the randomized tests from [1] to [1, 2] it breaks...

    Any ideas why it happens and how to fix it?

    Other than that any feedback will be welcomed, of course.

    Thanks in advance and I hope you enjoy this simple kata.

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    Can you describe your logic? Maybe we can help you debug, if it won't be a spoiler...

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    Oh, then I misunderstood your intention before. My apologies.

    Yes, I agree that it could have been much more complicated, but I made this kata which is actually an interesting challenge, I think, but no one seems to solve it and I believe it's because of the very long instructions. That's why I tried to keep this one short, in order to make sure it's less intimidating.

    Again - thank you. :)

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    I thought he meant the first written tests, not the example tests.
    I have changed them to cover a few specific sets after his feedback, instead of sort of randomly going through cases, as was before.
    I didn't change the example tests, as they are a part of the instructions like any other kata's example test.

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    You are right and that was the point of the kata.
    The idea was to get the person solving it read the completely unreasonalbe and unrelated instructions and make a judgement call to implement a much better and simpler solution than the client requirements.

    As I wrote below in response to someone else, I understood it was not a good kata and have unpublished it, but if you still saw it perhaps unpublishing does not mean what I thought it did. I'll look into it.
    Anyway I want to cancel this kata.

    Thanks for your input. :)

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    @Johan - thank you for this comment.

    Considering the overall ratings of 50% (which, if I understand correctly, means people were indifferent to it, right?) I have decided to unpublish it.

    I've got some more ideas, I'll work on them. All in all, that's how I'll learn, right? :)

    BTW - If you'll get a chance, I'd love to get your feedback on this kata (if it's ok to ask...?) -

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    I take it this kata really annoyed you.
    Well, I think I understand what you mean and I'll fix it immediately.

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    Wow... Well, that's not exactly constructive criticism but i'll try to learn from it too.
    Thanks for your feedback. If in the future you'll feel like being a bit more constructive I'll appreciate that as well.

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