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    What is duplicated origin points test?

    in one test it says:

    Should be able to deal with duplicated origin points: True should equal False

    in another test it says:

    Should be able to deal with duplicated origin points: False should equal True

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    The definition of Point3d should be provided somewhere for the user somewhere. Currently what is going on in preloaded is completely opaque.

    Even better don't make the fucking class at all since it's just an instance of (Int, Int, Int).

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    Relies on runner concatenating preloaded and solution for the type annotations. Explicitly import type annotations in the solution setup if you wish to use them, as the user trying to import anything from preloaded will make it fail to run.

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    Seems to be solved.

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    Now some dublecated points are added randomly to the inputs in the random tests.

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    My solution passes after hardcoding one fixed tests, and passes all random tests.
    Random tests should generate inputs of the type hardcoded by my solution.

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    no, that's ok, now (tho, I don't really see the point of having thousands of points for this kind of task)

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    My solution used to take around 2 secound. I reduces the amound of poins in the random tests and now it takes around 0.5 second in average. I tried also with dfhwze's sulotion and it was fast as well. Although your solution still slow, it takes two to three seconds.

    Is this enough or should I reduce the number of points more? How fast should it be?

    Also, should I rely on your solution to measure the speed of the tests or should I rely on mine and dfhwze's, since they are faster?

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    You the tests are now awefully slow. This shouldn't need 7s to run.

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    I did the random ones first, but now the fixed test are randomized in order also.

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    errrr, I don't really see a difference, there, but... x)

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    Yes, thanks, I noticed, I don't know why I wrote such bad tests.

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    Every input consists of at least three points, I have now explained this in the explanation and also I've added some notes.

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    Thank you so much for your feedbacks, I didn't know what I was doing.

    I made the tests more random and I fixed every thing you noted.

    Hope everything is fine now :)

    I searched a bit for a similar kata before writing it, but find noting, maybe its title wasn't very clear.

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    • you should specify that/if inputs can have 0, 1 or 2 points only
    • missing tests with the above, depending on what you specify in the description (2 points at least would be a good idea. 0 and 1 could be ignored, if specified)
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