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    I only have 1 crucial comment, and the rest are suggestions:

    1. Remove using namespace std from the solution setup + all test code. By baking it in there, it leaves the solver no choice to opt out of it. It's harmless for it be in your own solution snippet, but remove it elsewhere in the very least.
    2. do_test as it stands is just a wrapper over Assert::That without a message; it's not very useful and I suggest adding an ExtraMessage too. I think the preloaded code section is reserved for code that may be also called by the user's solution; assertions don't fall under that category since the user shouldn't interact with the testing framework. I see no reason why do_test should be in preloaded; remove it from there and put it in the submission tests instead. For fixed tests, you can either hardcode the ExtraMessage or use a stringifier like fmt::format. For random tests, use fmt::format. In summary, for random tests you can do:
       // other #includes...
       #include <fmt/ranges.h>
               // ...
               do_test(blah, blah, expected);
               // ...
         void do_test(const vector<int>& arr1, const vector<int>& arr2, double expected)
             Assert::That(mean_square_error(arr1, arr2),
                          ExtraMessage(fmt::format("Incorrect output for mean_square_error({}, {}):", arr1, arr2)));
      And you can simply hardcode the strings for the sample tests.
               Assert::That(mean_square_error({ 1, 2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6 }), Equals(9.0), ExtraMessage(R"(Incorrect output for mean_square_error({ 1, 2, 3}, { 4, 5, 6}):)"));
               // ...
    3. Add fixed test(s) for vectors of size 1 too.
    4. default_random_engine generator(chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count()); can be changed to std::mt19937 engine{ std::random_device{} }; It's a bit easier on the eyes (with the superficial added bonus that std::mt19937 is more random).
    5. The function's name is in snake_case but everything else in the random tests is in camelCase. I suggest choosing one and sticking with it.
    6. Why do arr2.push_back(arr1.back() + randomValue());? Won't arr2.push_back(randomValue()); simply do?
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    The ISSUE tag is reserved for critical flaws with the tests. 718 people have solved this Kata in JS before just fine, so, when in doubt, please use the QUESTION tag instead. As for your question, the code inside your loop needs correction. Instead of focusing on the complicated test that fails, focus on the other more simple test that the solution fails on: f: abcd s: dabcd returns abcd for you when it should return abcdabcd. This is a byproduct of the method you use to calculate indexInSecond.

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    Yes, the issue resutls from your code misunderstanding the task. The only overlap that this Kata is interested in is between the end of the first string and the start of the other. A string overlapping in the middle of the other doesn't count. As you've noticed, merge_strings('xabc', 'ab') is expected to return xabcab (since no overlap on the edges), and not xabc. Consult the Kata description further if in doubt

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    CyclicRef is unneeded in JavaScript, no? I don't even think the translator's used it.

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    Seeing that you've eventually solved this without segfaults, do you wish to resolve the outstanding issue or is there something still unresolved?

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    The C++ setup leaves much to be desired. Only one of int and unsigned int should be used, not both. The more appropriate pattern to use here is a namespace or a class with static methods, rather than a once-instantiated class in PascalCase (which variables should not be named in).

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    Avoid global variables. They add state between function calls that you may have not anticipated. Your function works on your machine likely because you are only testing one call per program; in that respect, your function is correct. However, this global state interferes with all other calls beyond that first one. Restructure your code to not use global variables (recommended) or make sure you reset all global state on each call.

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    Kata is not well-defined for decimal values in the exclusive range (-0.005m, 0m), such as 0.001m.ToCurrency("$"). Half the answers retain the negative sign and the others do not.

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    Random tests are exactly 40 [] tests, followed by exactly 40 () tests. This seems pretty exploitable to me since the user might be able to pick up the pattern from the test logs. The simplest/quickest fix I can think of is editing the generateTestCases to generate _.random(10, 13) test cases for each scenario rather than the hardcoded 10. This way, there is no guarantee about the number of test cases for each scenario, making it harder to exploit.

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    If it fails the tests, then usually that just means there's a logic error in the code. This task is about returning the length of the repeated subsection of the sequence. Your solution is missing a tiny modification in a single place to pass all tests.

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